

Thank you for reading this blog. I am a new blogger. I don't have previous experience of writing but the surroundings and situations led me to write, this story belongs to the Anshul, may this blog will help Anshul's mental health improvement. Whatever I am going to write is real and happening to Anshul. Anshul has discussed things with the people whom he thought are mentally healthy, intelligent, and good balancers of relationships. The text I will write in the form of a story. And I am expecting several answers from my readers to the following questions. What were the causes of Apple of Discord? Who was the culprit? What should action was taken by the Anshul? Will things be good despite the very odd current situation? What can be the consequences if the situation remains the same? The cast of the Story - Anshul - Anshul's wife (Kritika) - Anshul's Kids (Arun & Anu) -  Anshul 's in-laws (Father - Mr. Chandan) -  Anshul 's in-laws (Mother - Mr. Uma) -  Anshu